Happy Halloween! Now premiering “DOLL’S HOUSE” – a spooky new short film, shot right at home during early quarantine:
This was produced for submission to Roger Corman’s Quarantine Film festival. The criteria were simple: less than two minutes and shot on your phone. We didn’t win the contest, but it was a lot of fun to go back to basics for fundamental storytelling right at home.
Introducing Rachel Ferguson as the lethal leading lady! For all of my girlfriend’s amazing qualities and abilities, I never doubted she could carry a scene, but was pleasantly surprised she did so she well… and tolerated what you can only imagine our place looked like for a week during production.
I’m so happy we finally did something like this together. Life has gotten even busier for both of us these past few years, so while I would have certainly preferred to avoid a global pandemic, this has been one of our favorite takeaways from it. Storytelling knows no bounds… especially when everyone’s phone is now and high definition videocamera.
Special thanks to Uncle Tom for keeping this doll is his garage for decades and cousin Kathy for sneaking it into my possession when they moved to Utah.
Does the doll warrant a sequel? Who should Rachel play next? How do you feel about watching movies shot on a phone? So much to learn from a film like this… we hope you enjoyed!